"Learn Albanian" to quickly learn Albanian daily vocabulary and daily phrases, simple and practical, let you easily communicate with foreigners"Learn Albanian" is a good help to improve Albanian speaking and Albanian listening.The main function:1. Learn Albanian vocabulary, including dozens of vocabulary learning, real human pronunciation, clear and easy to learn2. Learn Albanian phrases, including dozens of categories of phrase learning, real human pronunciation, clear and easy to learn3. Support recording function, convenient for users to compare learning, To improve Albanian speaking and Albanian listening4. Support list and card display methods for learning5. Provide simulation test function, convenient for users to carry out staged self-test6. Support online translation function, this function is mainly for translation between source language and Albanian7. Support for the collection functionSoftware introduction:1. A Albanian vocabulary learning software Learn Albanian vocabulary, Learn Albanian vocabulary is so easy2. A Albanian phrase Learn software Learn Albanian phrase, Learn Albanian phrases is so easy3. A Albanian translation software Support Albanian online translation, most languages support online pronunciation functionmain feature:1. Easy to use, easy and fast2. The interface is beautiful and generous3. Offline LearnIf you encounter any software related problems during use, please contact us (you can email us via email)In the follow-up, we will continue to develop related software in other languages according to the needs, so that everyone can communicate and learn in daily life, so stay tuned!